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Christopher Braig plays from a deep appreciation of the jazz tradition. He can get music out of anybody.
-St. Louis Public Radio
Born in Kentucky and now living in Los Angeles, Christopher Braig is a musician with over thirty years of extensive professional experience.
Since 2016, he has focused on his own compositions, documenting them on recording sessions in St. Louis and New York. His most recent album, Rise of The Jazz Ark, was recorded direct to two-track at Electrical Audio in Chicago and engineered by the legendary Steve Albini.
克里斯托弗-布雷格出生于肯塔基州,现居洛杉矶,是一位拥有三十多年丰富专业经验的音乐家。自 2016 年以来,他一直专注于自己的创作,并在圣路易斯和纽约的录音会议上记录这些作品。 他的最新专辑《爵士方舟的崛起》(Rise of The Jazz Ark)是在芝加哥的电子音响公司(Electrical Audio)直接录制的双轨唱片,并由传奇人物史蒂夫-阿尔比尼(Steve Albini)担任工程。
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